A Learning Model for Reflective Micro-Teaching in A Hybrid EFL Classroom: Need Analysis
learning model, reflective micro-teaching, google classroomAbstract
It is essential for graduates of education study program to possess
proficient pedagogical skills. This is an important skill for prospective teachers
in meeting the demands of the 21st-century learning, where technology has
become an instrument that is used on a daily basis in the field of education as
well as in the field of industry. Therefore, this study responded to the need for a
program that develops a reflective learning model to offer pedagogical
improvement for prospective teachers in dealing with technological devices in a
hybrid micro-teaching classroom. A qualitative study was conducted through
questionnaires and interviews to find out students’ and lecturers’ perspectives
on whether a reflective micro-teaching model in a hybrid EFL classroom should
be developed. The participants of this study were 57 seventh-semester EFL who
had taken the Micro-Teaching subject and 4 lecturers who taught the subject.
Data analysis was carried out by calculating the average response scores from
the questionnaires and conducting thematic analysis on the interview data. The
findings indicated that reflective micro-teaching should be implemented in a
hybrid EFL classroom, as perceived by both lecturers and
prospective instructors.
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