
  • Hesti Wahyuni Anggraini Sriwijaya University
  • Zuraida Sriwijaya University
  • Rita Hayati Sriwijaya University
  • Dwi Maharrani Sriwijaya University
  • Nova Lingga Pitaloka Sriwijaya University



developmental research, learning style, web-based instructional material


The shifting of teaching and learning mode results in the urgency of the development of instructional materials. Ironically, the availability of web-based instructional reading material on the basis of learning style is still limited. This developmental study examined data qualitatively and quantitatively from 16 questionnaire respondents, six interviewees and two lecturers to investigate the needs of developing instructional materials, the extent to how lecturers shaped their beliefs, students’ reading level, and students’ learning styles. This study also aimed at finding out the validity, practicality, and the effectiveness of developed product. Three students involved in one-to-one evaluation, nine students in small group evaluation and 17 students in the field test. This research implemented a four-stage model by Akker. Formerly, the result of analysis phase represented some analysis points. Furthermore, the product was highly valid on its content, construct and technology use with average score 4.4. The average scores of practicalities were 4.1 in one-to-one evaluation and 4.2 in small group evaluation. High validity with the score 4.3 was the result of the field test. Potential effect was also high in the average score of reading test, 86.47. This study, expectedly, gives favourable impact to the teachers and students in the future.

Author Biographies

Zuraida, Sriwijaya University

Zuraida is a senior lecturer of English of English Education Study Program at Sriwijaya University, Indonesia. She is interested in ELT studies.

Rita Hayati, Sriwijaya University

Rita Hayati is a senior lecturer, Department of Language Education and Arts, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sriwijaya University. Her interest is in English Language Teaching, especially in English skills.

Dwi Maharrani, Sriwijaya University

Dwi Maharrani is a lecturer of English of English Education Study Program at Sriwijaya University, Indonesia. She took her bachelor’s and master’s degree at Sriwijaya University in the same major. Her interests are about English Education, School Management and Leadership, Digital Literacy and Entrepreneurships.

Nova Lingga Pitaloka, Sriwijaya University

Nova Lingga Pitaloka is an Assistant Professor of English of English Education Study Program at Sriwijaya University, Indonesia. She focuses the most on teaching English skills. For her research, she is interested in teaching and learning English skills and the use of technology for teaching and learning English.


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